Glenarvon Farm

1853 Glenarvon Drive, Bremo Bluff, VA 23022

Telephone: (434) 842-1922

Email addresses: . (Not checked on a daily basis.)

Glenarvon is PRIVATE PROPERTY, and is POSTED, in accordance with Virginia trespassing laws. Uninvited or unannounced visitors are not welcome. Liability releases may be required of all visitors and participants in sporting activities. Visitors are warned that there are many potential dangers and perils on this farm, and you must at all times carefully attend to your own safety, and particularly to the safety of your children, pets, and property. Please read “Alert to Visitors”, below.

The following "Table of Contents" describes each subject briefly, and links to the subject file. (“Click” on the link desired to go to that file).

Some Adobe Acrobat ("PDF") files are provided, and most computers today already have the free Adobe software required to read them. A link to the Adobe website appears below.

Some historical documents presented here may be incorrectly transcribed, however, references to the source documents are available by telephone. Fluvanna County records are kept at the courthouse in Palmyra, VA. Some Galt family documents are available at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California, and on microfilm at Glenarvon.

index.html last updated 05-22-2015

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Table of Contents, (“click” on item desired).

  1. Directions to Glenarvon Farm.

  2. Horse Van and Trailer Parking.

  3. Alert to Visitors.

  4. Courses and maps.

  5. PDF FORM: Equine and Ox Activity Liability Release, (see INSTRUCTIONS, next item).

  6. INSTRUCTIONS for Completion of Equine and Ox Activity Liability Release.

  7. Game Hunting Agreement.

  8. Collected Virginia Statutes Relating to Equine, Ox, and Hunting Activities and Trespassing

  9. Photograph of an unusually large stone tool, probably an axe.

  10. Governor Jefferson's 1780 Conveyance of Escheated Lands of Loyalist Walter King to David Ross.

  11. Comments and 1851 Inventory of the estate of William Galt, Jr., Book 6, O.S., pages 296-303, Fluvanna County Records.

  12. "Glenarvon Memories", Reminiscences of 20th Century life and times at the farm by Barbara Wright.

  13. What's in a name? The history and variations of "Glenarvon".

  14. Yes Virginia, there are coyotes in Fluvanna. (Photo taken 12/28/04).

  15. Bears too. (Photo taken in “the Bridgekeeper's” back yard).

  16. Fluvanna County Historical Society Bulletin 31, October, 1980, publishing part I of a two-part study of William Galt, Jr., 1801-1851: Antebellum Fluvanna Planter. (a slow download)

  17. Fluvanna County Historical Society Bulletin 32, April, 1981, publishing part II of a two-part study of William Galt, Jr., 1801-1851: Antebellum Fluvanna Planter. (a slow download)

  18. List of Weather and Aviation-Related websites.

  19. Suggestions for Printing VOR Test Form PDF, Item 20

  20. VOR Test Form in PDF format.

  21. Statement Supporting Auctioneer in PDF format.

  22. Dr. James A.W. Rembert's lecture - Prelude to War, A Gentlemen's Affair: the Story Behind the Battle of Fort Sumter, April 1861

  23. Reserved.